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Hope Family Spotlight-Geraldine

Geraldine was brought to the clinic on a weekend in 2011. The people that brought her said they were related to her family. We admitted her and never heard from them again. The address and info given was false. She is non verbal and can only hold her head up for short period of times.

She has been with 2 hope families over the years. She smiles and is happy when she hears voices she knows or if you call her name. Her mama says when she smells the food cooking she will make sounds and knows meal time is soon. She is unable to fed herself or move much on her own so her mama spends a lot of time with her. She does physical therapy with her at home and has seen some improvements over the years. Her hope mom has 8 children of her own. Several are grown and live in their own homes now. The family live in a 4 room home made of rocks, clay and a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a piped water system in the village. Geraldine comes each month to the clinic for a check-up with her mama. We are always excited to see her, and track her weight and progress over the past 10 years.

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