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All of us at Real Hope for Haiti work tirelessly, yet even with maximum effort, we cannot accomplish every task. So we want to give credit where credit is due. Our Haitian staff are amazing and dedicated and one of the most integral parts of our success. Centre Sante de la Grace du Bon Samaratain would not be able to serve the volume of patients we serve and see the results we do if not for our Haitian staff. They all have roles and responsibilities to complete. Each one is necessary for the clinic to function as a whole. The more we function in unison, the better care we can deliver to our patients. Sure, there are problems and hiccups, people make mistakes, but all in all, teamwork makes this place run efficiently and effectively. Lori does a tremendous job as clinic director putting people in the right place, planning, and problem solving to ensure our team can thrive in such a difficult context with limited supplies. The clinic employs 25 Haitian staff, this does not include the gate security personnel or the staff for the inpatient malnutrition center. Thank you for partnering with us to help us pay our staff and equip our clinic with medicine and supplies.

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