Hope Family Spotlight-Izabella

Izabella was abandoned in the clinic yard in 2012. Her mama left a note with her and a bag of supplies for her. She has several deformities and her mama said she did not feel that she could care for her. She is missing a foot and her jaw and one arm are in a “locked position”. She has 8 siblings but most are older and there are only 2 children still living at home. Izabella enjoys helping her mom make food at her house. Her favorite food to eat is cracked corn and chicken. But her favorite food to make is macaroni. She also likes to wash dishes. Her mama is happy that she is at the house and see how smart she is at her home and how she excels at school. In years past many children with disabilities were not allow to attend the local school here in our village. Her mama is thankful that she can attend and that she is accepted at her school. Izabellas one request was that she would get a new dress for church. So if anyone would want to help with that please let me know.


  1. Madeline says

    Hi! I would like to know what size she is in clothing and shoes.

  2. Licia says

    A size 8/10 should work out well for her.

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