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Guest Post from Paul and Hannah

My husband, Paul, and I have volunteered at Real Hope for Haiti many times over the last 10 years – both individually and together. Paul initially got connected to Real Hope for Haiti when he went down to help with the Cholera epidemic in December 2010. My first trip to RHFH was in the summer of 2011. We have each had life changing experiences there and have worked in RHFH’s cholera hospital, rescue center and emergency care areas. My volunteer work there is actually what spurred me on to become a Physician Assistant and Paul’s work confirmed his passion for medicine as he completed his paramedic and nursing degrees. We cannot fail to mention that RHFH is actually where we met! In addition to being incredible leaders for Real Hope, Lori and Licia are pretty stellar matchmakers.

Each trip to RHFH has been different. Paul and I have witnessed 100+ patients in the cholera “house” (before they were able to build the Cholera Treatment Center), an overflowing rescue center and long days of seeing patients in clinic. Real Hope for Haiti has served Cazale and the surrounding community so well over the years in the space they currently occupy. As the number of services they provide increased, however, more space became necessary. Paul and I have observed the prayerful decision making that went into purchasing the new land and the prayer that continued over the years to determine when the time was right to start building. The leadership of RHFH feels confident that now is the time to expand and begin the move to the new land.

My first trip up to see the new land was in 2013. Paul and I actually walked up there together after one of the babies we were caring for passed away. It was around dusk when we arrived and I can’t begin to describe the beauty of that sunset over the distant ocean. That landscape provided such a sense of peace and hope in those hours. It excites me to think about all of the patients, future volunteers and employees of RHFH getting to witness that view every evening.

There is so much potential for Real Hope for Haiti to grow and expand on this new land. Any construction project can be a daunting undertaking, but it is especially so in Haiti. Equipment malfunctions and time tables get pushed back, but we remain faithful in pressing forward having full confidence that God ordained this land for RHFH to serve the community. It is such an exciting time to be a part of RHFH’s community of support. I encourage you to prayerfully consider giving towards the construction of Real Hope for Haiti’s new facilities.

-Paul and Hannah Cloutier

Johanne was one of the first patients we cared for together. She was 2lb 10oz on admission
Johanne came back for a visit 2 years later!

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