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Clinic Review – March 2021

total patients = 1893
children 0-14 yrs = 837
prenatal = 152
adults = 904

number of births = 16 (1 in hospital, 15 at home)
postnatal consults for mother and baby within 15 days of birth = 16
breastfeeding = 16
weight of baby when born under 5 pounds = 1
number of women who should have delivered this month = 44 (many follow for prenatal and don’t return for postnatal, goal to improve this)
number of babies died = 0
number of mothers died = 0
birth plans made = 42
number of visits of those in their first trimester = 30 (goal to improve this)
number of women who have had 4 or more visits (health dept goal) = 25
tested for syphilis = 34
tested positive for syphilis and treated = 1

anemia = 57
asthma = 7
seizures = 18
diabetics = 62
hypertension = 162
physical/mental impairment = 38

eye infections = 39
ear infections = 20
diarrhea = 53
heartburn = 235
urinary infection = 26
fungal infection = 125
pneumonia = 2
malaria = 1
intestinal parasites = 7
cough and cold = 552
vaginal infection = 81
STIs = 118
HIV = 13
TB = 1

total children (0-5yrs) checked for malnutrition = 620
total children (0-5yrs) undernourished or worse = 268 (43%, Feb 39%, Jan 43%)
total children (0-5yrs) moderately malnourished or worse = 89 (14%)
total children (0-5yrs) severely malnourished =22 (4%)
kwashiorkor = 11
total patients with malnutrition (all ages) = 313
total number of children (6m-5y) on RUTF (ready to use therapeutic food) in feeding program = 97
total number of children (6m-5y) graduated from program at healthy weight = 17

wound care = 518
sutures = 25
injections = 455
burns = 3
total emergencies = 61 (at home 17, motorcycle 9, home 8, violence 4, other 23)

people coming on property that got temperature check for COVID screen = 3381
people with at least 1 COVID symptom that were screened by nurse = 587
people with suspected COVID = 15 (unable to confirm with testing)
masks distributed = 470

total number of patients that had a lab test = 312
total number of tests done = 672
tested for HIV = 100
new HIV+ = 10

referred by us to other institutions = 24
referred to us by others = 3

tylenol distributed = 11400 pills
amoxicillin distributed = 340 pills
bactrim distributed = 2158 pills
tums distributed = 5070 pills

people participating in devotions, prayer, & education = 2015
prayers for individuals = 316
spiritual counsel and encouragement = 462
literature distributed = 431
accepted Christ = 2
rededicated life to Christ = 4

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