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Hope Family Spotlight~Medjina

Medjina has been with us since 2014. She has been with her Hope family since 2015. Her Hope mama has 3 other children and 2 that have died. They live in a 4 room home made of cinder block and cement and covered with a tin roof. Medjina enjoys going to church with her family. Her favorite son is “God I come to offer you all I have”. She is in the first grade and loves school. Her favorite subject in school is Health. She also enjoys playing with her friends during recess. Her favorite color is yellow.

When she is at her house she likes to play with her doll. She also enjoys sweeping her house, washing dishes and hand washing her clothes. She is just beginning to learn how to cook some. She loves to play in the river when it is very hot outside. When she get older she would like to be a doctor so that she can help people that are sick.

Her Hope mama loves having her in their home. She makes he laugh everyday. She also is glad that she is doing well in school. Her mama believes education is the key to having more opportunities here in Haiti. She encourages her to do her homework after school and to know all her lessons for the next day. She asks that you pray for Medjina that she will continue to do well in school a be a good member of her community.

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