Staff Spotlight~Monette

Monette has been working at RHFH since 2009. She worked on and off part time work and has been washing full time for many years washing for Rescue Center. She was born and grew up here in Cazale. Her parents are both alive and live right next door to her and she lives near many of her siblings. She has 6 sisters and 4 brothers and all are still living. Monette has 3 children herself and lives in a 2 room home that she has built herself. Her house has a small porch and is made of rocks and cement and covered with a tin roof.

Monette enjoys washing for the children in the Rescue Center. She is happy that she can provide clean diapers and clothing for them. She also likes the other ladies that she washes with and feels like they all make a good teams together. She is happy that they have a location where they can wash and hang up the clothing. Before they washed in the river and layed the items out in the sun to dry. Now they have clothes lines where they are able to hang all the clothing diapers and clothing up each day.

Here is an example of her day for week. She washes 4 days each week. She comes to the Rescue Center in the morning around 630 to 7. She gets the laundry soap and other supplies that she will need for the day. She then goes and collects the clothing. She fills a big wash basin with the dirty clothes and carries then down to the area where they wash. Once she gets their the ladies together sort the clothing and begin washing. They take turns washing, rinsing and hanging up the clothes until everything is washed and hung out to dry. They return later in the day to take the dry clothing down and return them to the Rescue Center for daily use.

Monette also has several gardens where she grows corn, beans and bananas. She then is able to sell these items in the local open air markets to provide more income for her family. She is happy to have the job as it helps her to pay for her kids school, buy food and purchase other small items for her family. She enjoy living in Cazale and is happy there is lots of fruit and easy access to water for the community. When asked what she thought Cazale needed she said electricity, dry cleaner and a morgue.


  1. Stephen Eckart says

    What a valuable person in the ministry. We pray God’s continued blessing on and through her fir
    Many years to come!

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