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Hope Family Spotlight~Paul

Paul has been with us since 2012. He came to the clinic with his grandpa. Both of his parents died when he was young. He was malnourished and was put on the outpatient mamba program. The grandpa was very old and his only family member who was still in the area. He was beginning to lose his sight. On the way home from one of his appointments, he fell off his donkey with Paul on a step mountain path. He was unable to get up and they had to stay there all night. The next morning, he was able to yell at others on the path and they were both rescued. Several people from his village came and asked us to help with caring for Paul.

He enjoys living with his Hope Family. He has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. They all attend school and church together. Paul does not have a big vocabulary yet and often communicates by pointing or shaking his head. He likes to sit back and observe everyone playing or people walking by his home. He likes to play with cars, airplanes, and trucks. He likes to go buy things and carry water. He also likes to play with his friends and color pictures.

His favorite colors are yellow, pink, and blue. Paul loves to sing along with the radio and enjoys worship at church. When he grows up he want to be a pilot. Paul enjoys all types of food. His favorite food is rice with beans sauce or meat sauce. When I asked him if there was anything he needed he said a new bed and mattress.

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