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Staff Spotlight~Deusson

Deusson lives in the village of Ropissa with his parents. He is the youngest of 9 children. They live in a 5 room home made of cinder blocks and cement, covered with a tin roof. They have an outdoor kitchen (common here) and a good source of water near their home. His parents mostly have gardens that they plant produce in to provide for the family.

Deusson has been working at the clinic since Dec 2019. He works in the clinic at the front desk. Most of his work in done with the clinic charts and the patient coming to the clinic. In the morning he gives out the numbers for patients to be seen. He then pulls their medical records. He also looks up cards for those that have lost their medical cards. Each of the 167,000 + charts are entered into a digicel file with the patient’s name, village and chart number so that we can better located their medical charts. Each week he enter the new patients that come to the clinic into this database. He is happy that he can help the patients be able to be seen by the medical professional quickly by having their records ready. One thing he does not like is when people are not patient when he is trying to help them. He also does not like to talk a lot.

One story that he will never forget is that of a lady with a bolt stuck on her finger. The lady was not mentally stable and living on the streets. At some point she put a bolt of her finger and was unable to remove it. It had been there for several month and caused her much discomfort. In trying to remove the bolt there was damage to the skin around the area. This make the whole situation more frustrating for her. She went to several clinics and hospitals near her home but could not find help. Someone suggested she come to Cazale for help and paid for her transport to the clinic. Lori was able to remove the bolt and relieve her of her pain.

He enjoys living in the village of Ropissa. This is where he was born and grew up. In his village there is one school. He wishes there was a church there and more school for the children. He also wishes that there was a factory or place where more people could find work. He ask that you pray for him that he would follow God’s plan and will for his life.

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