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Pictures Cazale~Station (in front of the clinic)

The “station” is a place where people can go to buy small items since the open air market is just 2 days a week here in Cazale. There is food that is cooked everyday and snacks that can be purchased. You can also find something cold to drink. This is also where the motorcycle drivers wait to transport people to the next town.

Vendors have tables and put their items out to sell. These are the types of items you can find. Suckers, gum, canned milk, diapers, candy, crackers, cookies and the all time favorite of all kids-cheese puffs.

You can also find freshly fried street food. You will find fried plantains, flour balls, fish, hotdogs, chicken and other items for sale. The mixture in the white tub to the left is a hot slaw added to all of these snacks.

You will also find used clothing and shoes for sale. Most of these come over on ships in big bundles and are bought near the docks.

You will also find some produce that can be used to make daily rice meals and sauces.

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