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Critical Illness

K is a 10 year old boy who presented to clinic last month with severe abdominal pain and physical exam findings indicating that he needed emergent surgery. He was referred to a hospital in Port au Prince. He was put on a ventilator to help him breath, he required broad spectrum antibiotics for a bacterial infection in his blood, he received multiple blood transfusions because he was pooping blood. He also received transfusions of plasma and platelets. He received a diagnosis of myocarditis- inflammation of his heart. He miraculously recovered and was discharged from the hospital after 24 days. We do not know the underlying cause of all the problems that he had but are exceedingly grateful that he recovered and is doing so well today.

He had a number of follow up appointments but unfortunately, K’s father did not take him to these appointments for unclear reasons. His father seems to think that voodoo may have played a role in his son’s sickness and so possibly did not feel the follow up appointments were necessary. His father also indicated that he needed financial help. We were able to reschedule his appointments and will be able to help K and his father with the cost of these appointments, however, K’s father needs to understand the necessity of these appointments. So please pray for K’s father that he will be able to reason clearly and not be led astray by voodoo culture. Pray that the full force of the Gospel would lead K’s dad out of darkness and into Christ’s marvelous light.

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