Words from Gretchen June 1995

Soon we’ll be back in Indiana for a month from June 16 to July 18th. We are very excited about seeing and sharing with family and friends. In some ways the last year and a half has went very fast, but it seems longer since we have seen a lot of you. Again I suppose it is because that is still the hardest thing about being on the mission field-being away from family and friends. There still is the deep wrenching, tearing that longs to embrace, talk to and just be with close family and friends. We deeply miss everyone and are counting the days until we can see you and renew relationships. What a joyful day that will for us. Again, as when we first came on the mission field, we say to you don’t take any relationship for granted. Friends and family are a gift from God. Edify, encourage, experience and enjoy the precious gift of life that God has given.

We have been very busy the last four months with the other missionaries being in the states. We are happy to report that they have been blessed with a little granddaughter. We are very happy for them and thank God for the opportunity and the ability to take care of things here at the project so that they could enjoy a well earned rest and time with their loved ones.

God continues to bless and supply His ministry work here. We continue to give out precious water which fills such a physical need here. People walk long distances carrying buckets and jugs to obtain water from drinking, cooking, bathing and laundering clothes. It is a privilege to offer life giving water in the name of Jesus.

The feeding programs are running 6 days a week, giving nourishment to our 1600 children. It fills our hearts with joy and our eyes with tears as we hear the songs and prayers of the children thanking God for what He has provided before they eat. When children here are malnourished one of the first signs we see is their hair turns red or yellow. We are encouraged when we see their hair turning back to its natural color. As children show improved health, they are gradated out and replaced by others in greater need. As with all third world countries, the needs are overwhelming and far outweigh man’s abilities or finances. We thank God for what we can do and seek to do it to the very best of our ability.

In May we celebrated our 1st anniversary for the clinic. God has supplied our needs in miraculous ways and has given us wisdom and endurance to treat over 1200 pregnant woman and children, many on a monthly basis. We see good birth weights of newborns and the children are gaining weight and becoming healthier as parents receive help and education. Many children we see have skin infections called boutons. The sores are very infected and painful. The remedy is often simple-soap and water. The degree of poverty here makes soap a luxury for most. Every patient we see receives soap, shampoo, and vitamins. Others need food, clothing, milk, skin creams and the like are met as needed. All is given in the love of our precious Savior. The clinic is growing and we are excited about what God is building and preparing.

In our last newsletter from Global we stated 8 prayer requests. Some seemed out of reach to our natural mind, but 1 john 5:14-15 tells us ” and this is the confidence we have before Him that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us.” God has answered ALL of our needs. Some we have already referred to. Many of you know we have received our Suburban, a great blessing to us as we travel about. A vehicle has been donated for the well-drilling machine. God has blessed the last 4 months for both families here and filled us with peace and His joy Lori received two more scholarships to help finish he education.

As we return to Indiana our children will all stay here in Haiti to help continue the work. The girls will continue clinic and some gate ministry. Casey will help them with the language and help around the mission learning more about maintenance and construction. We ask that you continue to keep us all and the country of Haiti in your prayers. May we find and seek to do His will and may the Haitian people break out of darkness and into the glorious light and love of Jesus Christ. We love you! To God be all the Glory!


  1. Jody says

    So heartfelt and loving. Thank you for sharing.
    Made me curious how they sent and received mail then?

  2. Lori says

    Agape Flights flew once a week when able.

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