Hope Family Spotlight~Carla

Carla was brought to the clinic in 2016 with kwashiorkor, a severe form of malnutrition. This was the only time we would have contact with this family member. No one ever returned for Carla and a search for her family at the village given in her intake information was not a success. She has been living with her new family since 2018. The search continues for her birth family.

Carla’s families lives in a 3 room home in the local village. Her parents have jobs, and she has 3 sisters. They attended the local Baptist Church here in Cazale. She just graduated this year from 3rd year (normal here) of Kindergarten. She will enter 1st grade this coming year. She enjoys attending school and right now would like to be a nurse when she gets older. Her favorite color is pink and white.

Carla likes to watch movies on her papa’s phone. She also enjoys sweeping the house. She likes attending church and especially likes when everyone sings. During vacation time her mom says she plays all day with her sisters and friends. They like to play house and a game with rocks (kind of like jacks). Her favorite food is rice with chicken.

Her mom is happy that she is a part of their family. She say they all live together well. She does her best with her husband, to be an example to their daughters. She wants them to follow a good example of someone that will be a good person and helpful.

They ask that you pray for their family that they will remain happy and healthy.


  1. Nancy Dillon says

    What a great life! Love it! God is good!

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