Staff Spotlight Desimise

Desimise has been working at RHFH since 2010. She started out in the cholera treatment center taking care of children that were recovering from cholera before returning for treatment at the Rescue Center. Once she was not needed there she moved into a job working in the Rescue Center with the children. She had lost hope in her life but was a christian and attended church. She feels like getting a stable job was one of the best things that has happened to her in her life.

She has 5 children that are all living. Her parent have been dead for many years. She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters that are still living and 2 brothers that have died. She lives in 2 room home with 4 of her children. The house in made with rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof. She enjoys working with the children but says you have to have a lot of patience to work with the kids. Many are sick and there always seems to be someone with diarrhea or vomiting so if that scares you then you should look for other work. When I asked her about a child she remember from years past she began to cry. She remembers many of them some that lived and some that did not. It makes her happy to see children she took care of 10 years ago coming back to the clinic healthy and well. She loves to give them a hug and thank their parents for caring for them. Her job is important for her because she has paid off her debts, built herself a house and paid for her children to go to school. This is a big accomplish for her and she is very proud of this for her life.

She asked that you pray for her that she can continue to live a good life with her children and grandchildren.


  1. Tena McGaughey says

    I have always loved her. She has always loved on the kiddos. I remember how sweet she was with Christina.

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