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Haitian Proverb & History

Bay kou bliye pote mak sonje

The one who hits will forget but the one who was hurt will remember.

There is a plaque here in Cazale, a short way from the clinic, that displays this proverb for all to see and remember as they walk by. This proverb means a lot to those who live in Cazale because of the history this village holds. This is a short summary told by a local here: In 1969, there was a president here by the name of Duvalier. Duvalier was beginning to feel threatened as president because multiple groups Haitian citizens were travelling to Europe to be trained in army practices. Duvalier believed that these citizens were learning too much there, making him feel threatened as they would be able to “out smart” him and take over the country.

One of the citizens whom went to train in Europe and then returned to Haiti was named Jeremie. He came to Cazale and when he found out Duvalier was sending men to come kill him, he hid. Unfortunately, Duvalier’s men started killing many other people of Cazale in the process of trying to find Jeremie. Finally when they captured Jeremie’s wife and kids, Jeremie came out of hiding and they captured him and took him away. To this day, no one knows what happened to him, however death is suspected.

This is another monument wall where they have the names of those killed by Duvalier’s soldiers. All of those deceased during this time were buried here.

Taking a glimpse into Cazale’s history helps bring this proverb to life. As this plaque reads, the community of Cazale will never forget.

Bay kou bliye pote mak sonje

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