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He was brought to the clinic by his father. He lives in a 4 room, made of clay, rocks, and covered with a tin roof. His lives with his parents, siblings and other family members. He has 1 brother and 1 sister that are living and one sibling that died from a fever. He is the oldest child in the family. His parents are both framers and grow, beans, corn, and grains in their gardens. All the gardens are planted and harvest by hand. Then the produce is taken to open air markets to be sold for a profit for the family. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse. They get their water from a spring that is about a 1 hour walk from their home. He has been sick for several months and has been losing weight. About 2 weeks ago he started showing signs of edema in his feet and legs, then in his stomach. He has watery diarrhea and a cough/cold. His hair has been failing out as well. This is his second time with edema (presumed kwashiorkor) in his short life. It took the family 6 hours to walk to the clinic and it was a long hard trip for them due to the state of Cassagnole. He was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


Lens was brought to the clinic by his mother. He is 14 months old and weighed just under 13 pounds when he was admitted. Besides being severely malnourished he was admitted with a fever, cough, diarrhea, and poor appetite. He has no living siblings but had 1 that was stillborn. He lives in a 1 room home with his mama, aunt, and cousins. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse. They get their water from an irrigation ditch for bathing and cleaning, and purchase their drinking water. His mom buy items in bulk and resells them for a profit and also grows watermelons to sell. He was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and graduated to the medika mamba program.


She is 13 months old and weighed 12 pounds when admitted. She was brought to the clinic by her mother. Her mom said she has been losing weight for several months. She was on the outpatient medika mamba program for several weeks and did not gain any weight and her mom asked us if she could be admitted for inpatient care. She has 2 livings brothers and 5 that have died. Three died of fever and diarrhea and 2 were stillborn. The family lives in a 3 room home made of bricks and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse. They get their water from source that is about a 45 minute walk from their home. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. She was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


He is 30 months old and weighed 19 pounds when admitted. He was brought to the clinic by his parents. He began having some edema (kwashiorkor) about 5 days before coming to the clinic. He also has diarrhea and vomiting. He has 1 brother and his mama is expecting another child. The family are farmers and grow beans, corn, and grains in their gardens. They plant and harvest all the crops by hand. Then take these crops to an open air market to sell them in hopes that it will bring in enough income for several months for the family. They live in a 2 room home made of rocks and clay and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is about 45 minutes from their home. He was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


He is 3 years old and weighed 16 pounds when he was admitted. He was brought to the clinic by his mother. He has 4 sisters and 3 brothers and he is the youngest child in the family. His family buys items in bulk and resells them for a profit to provide for the family. They live in a one room home made of tarp walls and a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet not even an outhouse. They get most of their water from a irrigation ditch and purchase the water that they need for drinking. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. He was started on the F75 Therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


He is 13 months old and was 14 1/2 pounds when admitted. Four days before he was admitted he began to have edema in his feet and legs. His mom is very sick and unable to walk so his step-mom brought him to the clinic. This is his fourth time with edema due to kwashiorkor. He also has vomiting and fever for about 1 month. The family are farmers and grow beans, pumpkins, and corn in their gardens. Wilnord had one brother and one sister at home. He lives with his family in a 4 room home made of rocks and clay and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home for a flush toilet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a piped water system that is about an hour walk from their home. They traveled 6 hours by foot to arrive at the clinic. He was started on the F75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.

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