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The Anacius family

UPDATE: Need met. Thank you!

Occasionally, we like to tell the story of one of our patients to see if God would lay it on the hearts of some to help. The needs are always met by generous and compassionate supporters and we are so thankful for this. It is amazing to experience the joy, relief, and gratefulness of these patients when we are able to tell them that they are loved by you and their need is met.

This month we have two patients, but they are in the same family and same house – a father and son with foot wounds. We’re unable to show those photos here because they are too graphic, but will try to explain. They are both currently living on the clinic porch because they live too far away to come back and forth every day.

The father, Aurilus, got poked in the foot by a thorn. He pulled it out, but his whole foot and leg because severely infected. He’s been getting daily dressing changes (sometimes 2-3 times a day) since the end of February. We were uncertain if his leg could be saved; but, by the grace of God, he almost healed. We’ve been able to cover all his medical expenses (wound care, testing, and medications). It was difficult for him to make sure his family had what they needed, but he had a son that could find odd jobs and farm work to tide them over.

Then, his son, John Kelly, stepped on a hot coal and burned his the heel of his foot in July. It became infected, he has a high fever, and he was unable to walk. His father went to go get his son about an hour away and brought him to the clinic. He didn’t want his son to have a horrible infection like him or lose his foot. When we cleaned the wound we could tell it was serious as it had eaten away most of his heel pad. He still has several weeks of wound care before he is healed, but he is on the road to recovery.

These men were working to care for their family when they were injured and both of their wounds became infected. They raised food and animals that they were able to sell for income. They have had to sell everything to get them through these difficult months and there are no more reserves for them.

Both have pitched in and picked up small jobs in the mission yard to help us out. They never complain even if the rain blows in on the porch or crying children keep them up. When other patients stay overnight in the yard, they help them out by explaining where things are located and the normal activities. Aurilus shows any patient needing a walker how to use it becuase he had to use one for several months.

They are more concerned about how the rest of the family is going to eat than their own health. He would love to put his five children in back in school this year, but that looks impossible at this point. He has expressed concern to us on several occasions. He knows he needs to continue medical treatment by staying close for daily dressing changes, but he is torn to go and work to provide for his family. They aren’t looking for a handout. We would like to bless him and his son by paying them $250 for the help that they have given to RHFH and our patients. We think that this would cover the family’s food expenses for a month while they continue to heal. Any extra funds would go towards the children’s school fees.

If you feel lead to help out, please click on the link here or send a check to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN 46060 and write “Anacius Family” in the memo.

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