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Words from Gretchen March 1995 newspaper article from the Pendleton Times

By the grace, and only by the grace of God, we have completed our first year on the mission field as of Jan 17. There is no way we can show our appreciation for your support this last year, but to tell you we love you and speak the blessings of God into your life.

We arrived in Haiti in time to see a political and economic crisis build to a dangerous level and come to a peaceful solution only through the intervening hand of the Almighty God. God has been so faithful to direct our efforts here. He has shown us many needs and guided our work. You have joined us in heart, prayer and support to enable us to help expand and birth new ministries. Together we have touched thousands of lives in the name of Jesus.

Because of caring people like you the feeding programs have grown from 2 sights of 400 children to six sites of 1400 children. We also provide food for 200 adults and 25 elderly. With God’s direction three new wells were drilled for water on the property here and two more in a nearby community You are a part of over 6,000 gallons of water being given out daily in Jesus name.

We weren’t here long when we saw that malnutrition, disease, lack of sanitation and poor education presented many difficulties for the Haitians. God shows us favor and we were able to establish a clinic for pregnant women and children last May. We give vitamins, education, nutritional help, clothes and other baby items like soap, lotion and shampoo. The clinic is sparse in material resources but rich in the love of Jesus and we’ve seen God touch many through prayer. Time and time again our stock has run low and God has provided new supplies in miraculous ways.

One of our big projects overseen by our co laborers is a conference center where Christian groups come together for fellowship and education for one or two weeks. They are fed and boarded here while they attend classes. The ministry here also supports a kindergarten for about 60 children and an afternoon school for 90 children.

You are a part of helping other missionaries that live in Haiti. They come for help with vehicles, mission projects, or to share problems. At this oasis in the desert they receive the fellowship, prayer and encouragement in their work…and so much more we are here to serve and we thank and commend you for caring and sharing. The next year promises to be very excited and challenging for us. We have shown the Jesus film at two of our feeding centers over the mountains and had good response. We just hung a sheet under a big tree and showed the film in the open. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I watched with about 150 Haitians (some their first experience of seeing a film of any kind) the story of Jesus. Then we had the blessing of witnessing 47 people give their hearts to Jesus.

This has been and exciting year for us and the coming year will hold more challenges as we seek to fulfill God’s will in our lives. We pray you will continue to be a part of God’s ministry in Haiti. To God be all the Glory! The Zachary Family

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