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Hope Family Spotlight~Robensky

Robensky was abandoned in the clinic yard in 2016. At that time he was unable to walk or stand on his own. He also is just able to say a few words. He was moderately malnourished and was not sick at the time he was abandoned. He was matched with a lady that we have known for many years here in Cazale. Her husband had cancer that was not treatable and she cared for him for many months before he died. They had been together for many years and and had 8 children. Two of those children died over the years. When he died all of her children were adults and living on their own. Although 2 lives next door to her. She was very lonely and lost without him. She because sad and depressed after his death. She prayed that God would give her something to do for Him. One of our employees suggested that she come meet Robensky to see if it was a good match.

They fell in love with each other and he has been apart of their family since that time. His mama and family with tell you that Robensky healed her heart and brought life back into their home. She loves him so much and cares for him well in her home. She loves it when he laughs and gives kisses. He loves to eat and drink and that makes her happy. He is also able to walk with assistance now and loves to jump up and down.

We are currently searching for a monthly sponsor for Robensky. The cost is $125US per month. If you are interested please contact me at for more information. Thanks so much!

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