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Staff Spotlight~Telismane

We have know Telismane since 2008. There was a bad flood in Cazale. You can read more about that post here. Her husband was killed in the flooding trying to cross the river to get back home to his family. His body was pulled from the river and left out in front of our place. We were able to purchase a casket and bury him as his family could not get across the flooding to get to his body. This is what Telismane told me about her husband when I first met her.

She shared with me about her husband and what a good man he was.  He never sat at his house, he was always working.  She said he could not stand for one of his children to say they were hungry.  He was always working to find some food for them.  He had went down to the village of Cabaret to try and find some work to be able to buy some food for the kids.  He knew that the hurricane had passed by his village and that his wife was going to have trouble finding food that day.  He stopped by his brother’s house here in Cazale.  Everyone in the house told him to stay and wait out the flood waters to go down so the current would not be so strong.  He said he had to get to his family.  He died trying to get to them.

You can read more updates on the family here (2011), here (2013 another NGO build them a home), and here (2015). RHFH and many of you helped their family start a small business and pay for the children to go to school. They are thankful.

In 2016 Telismane was looked to have a more steady income and asked if we had any job openings. She and her family has always appreciated the help offered to them but also want to provide for themselves and not be dependent on others. She began working full time for RHFH in 2016. She makes sure all the gallons are washed to be filled with clean drinking water for all of RHFH needs and those in the village that come for clean water. She also cleans in the RC/ICU after meals and has been helping to spray down areas and keep everything disinfected since COVID began.

The older boys all have part time jobs in and around the Cazale area. She had another son since losing her husband and he is 5 years old. One of her son’s left to find work 2 years ago in the Dominican Republic. While he was there he became very ill and was near death. He came back to Cazale to die with his family. She brought him to the clinic and we ran some test and figured out he was a diabetic. Since that time he has been coming for insulin shots and testing and is doing well. We thank God for this beautiful family and our long time relationship with them. Though we met through a tragic situation God has turned that around to this family thriving.

To God be all the Glory!

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