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Words from Gretchen~Oct 2001

Greetings to you in the love and the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As we have returned and are again trying to touch lives with God’s hope and love, you are surely in our hearts and prayers. We cherish the time we had with some of you this summer. Your friendship, encouragement, and support help to strengthen us. We know many stand with us in our efforts to win souls and effect change to the lost and hurting.

We are in a great spiritual battle here in Haiti and are writing to make you aware that we need the prayers of individuals intercessors as well as church bodied praying in agreement. If you are praying for us regularly, we are so grateful. We cannot imagine what it would be like without the prayers of our friends and partners. If we are not on your regular prayer schedule, please put us there. We have witnessed time and time again that God does hear and answer our prayers.

We are currently fighting a spiritual battle that we have never experienced until this time. We are feeling the enemy’s attack against our family. There are many existing circumstances that we do not understand and many present situations that need Godly wisdom. We can NOT fight the battle alone. We are asking for your help. We are calling you to pray with us We are in great need of prayer partners to stand with us during this spiritual battle. For you that have known us for years, you know that this is not a typical letter from the Zachary family. We are earnestly requesting that you join us on the front line action of prayer and intercession. Pray that God will have his way in each of our lives and that the enemy will be soundly defeated. We have felt for a time that God is desiring us to step up to a higher level, but we have encountering numerous obstacles in the journey. Can we go on? Will we go on? Please pray and help us to press on to the high calling that God has for each of us. Thank you for hearing our heart and joining us in prayer. God bless each of you with His Grace and Mercy!

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