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Staff Spotlight~Jackline

Jackline began working at RHFH in July 2011. There was a need for more staff at the Cholera Treatment Center when they was an influx of patient at that time. She began that month and worked until the CTC closed in Dec 2020. Her work was cleaning. She moped the floors, swept, and cleaned anyplace that needed it. She often helped out in other areas as well as she was needed at the CTC. Once closed she moved into working at the clinic and Rescue Center. Her job in the Rescue Center was keeping the yard clean and cleaning the area where the kids ate after meals. In the clinic she washed all the water container and gallons that are used each day. They are washed and rinsed in a bleach solution before they are filled with treated water. This water is used in every area of RHFH and also is giving out to the community.

When we began construction at the new land we needed 2 ladies to cook food there for those that were working on the building projects. Jackline was one of the ladies that filled this need for us. She enjoys each job that she has had and does not have a favorite place that she has worked. She and her husband have 2 children ages 11 and 6. She has 1 living brother and 3 sisters, there were 2 other siblings that died. Both her parents are still alive and live in the same yard as she does but in another house. She lives in a 3 room home with a small porch. Her husband has a large garden where he grows yams, corn and beans to sell for a profit. Although she says many years they do not make much off the produce.

She is happy that she has a job that is stable and she can plan ahead and know how much she will make each month. She is able to pay for her children to attend school and buy enough food for them to each each month. They family attends church together near their home. She enjoys living in Cazale and says she would like for the road to be fixed so it would be easier to travel on.

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