Broken bones

Bones break. Falling out of a mango tree, moto accident, playing soccer, a simple fall with an awkward landing. Real Hope for Haiti has around 2 dozen patients a year who present with orthopedic fractures of some sort. We do not have the resources (operating room, x-ray, orthopedic surgeon, etc) to repair broken bones. So we refer these patients to various hospitals which can help our patients. Unfortunately, some of the ortho hospitals have closed or are not accessible due to gang violence. But where God closes a door He opens a window, or another door. We have had several kids recently who have fractured bones in their arms and legs. There is a hospital in the opposite direction of Port au Prince, called Reformee, where these boys were able to get the ortho expertise they needed. Thank you Reformee! This hospital is located an hour from Cazale and is managed by our friends and fellow missionaries, Dr. Mark and Kathy Fulton. We are grateful for their friendship and ministry, which both helps our patients and encourages our hearts.


  1. Susan McAnelly says

    It’s wonderful to have their help plus it’s wonderful not to have to go into PAP.

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