Oct 2 1994~Words from Gretchen~A letter written to her sister

Our parents moved to Haiti in Jan 1994. Here is a article to explain what was happening in the country at the time. US troops were present after and extended embargo in the country.

It is late Sunday night here. We received a big plane in today with 60,000 pounds of cargo to distribute-it is mostly medications and food. I also received the boxes that you sent. Everything was perfect-just like I would have picked out. Thank you, thank you! I’m so excited about the stationary and pens and will put them to use right away. I’m so glad to have the notecards and various stationary to write the girls on. Also thank you for the kool-aid, I never knew it came in big containers, I liked the fruit punch. It is difficult to find much at the stores these days to purchase.

Today is the Monday. The elderly from the village come each Monday to get a bag of food. They always need a bit of pain medicine or something for heartburn. I am thankful to be able to help them with a few simple medications. Zach and some other men left early this morning to help to distribute the 60,000 pounds of material that was shipped in. The items could not be taken to the regular Agape mail office due to all the looting problems in the country. It just feels like our hands are tied most days. Up at Cap-Haitian there seems to be a good order but PAP continues to be a mess. Yesterday there were over 100,000 people out in the streets looting, burning tires and destroying homes and businesses. Many missions here are having problems already or afraid that they will soon. We seem to be ok here where we are. There are helicopters and planes that fly over pretty frequently day and night. There are several missions near us and a big rice corporation about 1 mile away. We feel the real problems will come later down the road. Many of those in the streets are just young men.

Zach visiting with a military personal that was stationed in Haiti.

I’m trying to garden but it is hard with the pitiful dirt here. I really do appreciate all the herbs you sent. I’m going to put them in pots first and see how they grow and then will make a small garden patch. Most of Haiti is so pretty and tropical, but we live in a desert like area so I know my green thumb is going to have to work hard and have a lot of trails and errors. I’d be glad to have any seeds (like you pull off plants after they bloom, marigolds, zinnias etc.) I would really love some morning glories.

You asked if there was anything else you could do to help with the education in the clinic. I thought of something that would be so helpful to us would be to send me and pictures you can find of black children or especially pictures of families. I use these while making posters for the clinic about baby care, nutrition, cleanliness and have very little access to any here. Really any you can find to send would be such a blessing. we would be excited to be able to use these while educating those were are serving. Also if you see any coloring books for the children that reflect them that would be wonderful to send.

Would love to write more but need to write mom. Love to you all



  1. Susan McAnelly says

    It seems not much has changed!

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