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Visual Learning in Health Education

A large portion of the patients we serve have not been privileged with the ability to read and write. They instead have gained their knowledge by listening, seeing and doing. When our providers see patients, it is evident how much more successful our education is received when we use pictures, postures or any other visual aids.

This last month, we were incredibly grateful to have a donor give towards the purchasing of these 4D fetus model sets.

In the last year, we have been able to start doing fetal ultrasounds which has been an awesome and beneficial resource to providing even better prenatal care for our patients. Since receiving these 4D fetus model sets, we have been loving the extra element of education that can be provided to our patients. While doing ultrasounds, they aid in explaining what position the fetus is in depending on what the ultrasound is showing. These models have been helping both our staff and patients learn what size and how heavy their baby is, along with what features their baby has at different gestational ages. These extra visual resources are helping better educate our patients on the growth which is happening in their bodies.

It really is beautiful to see the faces of our patients light up when they first see the movement of their baby on the ultrasound screen and then pulling out these models and allowing them to hold and look at the size and features of what their baby looks like inside of them. These have been such a blessing to have and will be used for years to come!

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