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Words from Gretchen~Sept 1994

We are in our ninth month of serving in Haiti. Each day is precious. God has proven Himself time and time again to be everything His word promises. I think the more we depend on God instead of ourselves, the more we grow in faith and the more we please Him, He is our everything.

We are still giving out water, food, medicine, care and love in the name of Jesus. We stand in awe of how God meets the needs of His Children. The water lines are never ending-only when we shut it off at night. Hungry people are everywhere, too many to count. The biggest need is food and it looks like more will be available. We are feeding 755+ currently. As soon as we stepped out in faith to help more people God gave us favor with a group called ADRA. They are supplying rice, peas, oil and ble (wheat) to all of our children and 1/3 of the elderly. We are feeding 2/3 of the elderly, 100 couples, and suppling the spices, charcoal, cooking utensils an funds for the staff a the children’s feeding centers. There is a lot of paper work but the program is working well. Titanyen has become a model for the other programs to copy.

The first load of food delivered to a program in Tapio, behind the mountains of Titanyen

In clinic-2 weeks ago we had a 6 year old girl from Tapio (a village in the mountains behind Titanyen) she weighted 17 pounds. Two younger children in the family had died. Her father carried her many miles to seek help. We had other extreme cases from that area this past month. Zach, David and a few other men went to the area. Travel even by 4X4 is difficult and tedious.

Traveling by tractor back into the areas behind Titanyen. Zach (left)

They found conditions to be grave. Crops failed for the second season due to lack of rain. We are working on starting a feeding program there. First we have to fix the existing road and build other access roads to villages so food can be taken in. We already have names of 500 children who are in great need. We are also planning to provide simple medications as needed. We have plans to take the Jesus film there soon and are working with the local villages to see what churches are there. Many will need a Shepard to lead them nad a place to worship.

food was delivered each Monday morning with a tractor a wagon to the remote areas

We may get some help from the US military. I suppose you are becoming more informed about Haiti from the news. I see the soldiers young and looking so tense. I wish I could bake them all some cookies or fix them a hot home cooked meal. The military build up is masses. It is not all shown on TV. There are 1000’s & 1000’s of vehicles here along with acres and acres of equipment and planes of all sizes and the ever present loud helicopters. Sometimes it seems like a dream. It all may look so powerful but only God’s power can change this country because first hearts have to be changed. God is able!

A military vehicle with a bull dozer in the back. Traveling up into the remote areas to work on road to be able to get food to the kids in the feeding programs.

Our hearts are here. Our lives are here. Our work is here. People we care about very much are here. We have a lot to thank God for and a lot to pray about. We thank you for your love and concerns for us. Let’s be strong and faithful nothing we do for the Lord is ever wasted.

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