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Eddy is a 27 month old male who presents with edema. History is presented by the patient’s aunt who is not his primary caretaker. The patient has been living with his maternal grandmother since his mother died 5 months ago. His grandmother called his aunt to bring him to the clinic today because he has edema. His aunt does not know how long he has had edema. His aunt only sees him every 3 months. He was swollen 3 months ago when his aunt last saw him. His aunt has had him for 3 days. He has had diarrhea for at least 3 days. He has poor appetite. He has had subjective fever and has been coughing for at least 3 days. The patient’s aunt does not think anyone is sick hat her mother’s house.

Rooberlens was brought to the clinic by his maternal grandmother.  His mother was young when he was born and did not show much interest in caring for him. Grandma did her best to have the mom stay around, but she left about 6 months ago. The grandma has been trying to care for him, but it has been difficult for her. Rooberlens has one other siblings.  He lives in a 2 room home made of rocks, cement and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse. They purchase their water from a local vendor for drinking and get the rest out of the river. When admitted, Rooberlens had a fever, cough and has been showing signs of edema, due to kwashiorkor for 1 week. His hair was also beginning to fall out.

Telandia has been sick for several months. She has a bad cough, and we are currently treating her for TB.  She is severely malnourished.  Her family traveled 6 hrs by foot, motorcycle, and taxi to arrive at the clinic. She has 3 living siblings with the youngest being just a few months old.  The family are farmers and grow beans, corn, and grains in their gardens. The family lives in a 4 room home made of rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse.  They get their water from a source that is a 2 hour walk from their home.

This young mama was searching for a place to stay with her son for awhile until she could figure out what she is going to do. She does not have a place to stay at this time.  Her mom asked her to leave the home when she became pregnant, and the father has left the country looking for work.  Kenley her son, was moderately malnourished, as well as having sores and itching all over his body.  She has been breastfeeding him since birth and is continuing while staying with us. They traveled 3 hours by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic.

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