Posted on May 12, 2022 Posted By: LiciaCategories: BlogThese bridges are made specifically for water. They are used in the irrigation of crops around the river of Cazale. The more permanent ones are made of cement. Others are made of hollowed out coconut trees. Each serve the purpose needed of suppling water to the needed gardens. These are foot bridges to go into homes. Some are made of wood that is stacked and then covered with a layer of mud and then gravel. Others are made of cement, and some are just made with what you can find. These bridges are for people, animals and motorcycles to travel over. You will see on some that the outside border is made of a thicker wood, or a hollowed out coconut tree. Then it is layers with sticks and wood and then covered with brush and mud.We have one large bridge in the village for vehicles, trucks and motorcycles to pass on. This bridge goes over the river in Cazale.