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The CDC estimates that in 2018, 10.5% of the population of the United States had diabetes. This includes all types of diabetes. The estimated prevalence of diabetes in Haiti varies considerably ranging from 5 to 9%, however, it is likely that there are many cases of undiagnosed diabetes in Haiti due to lack of access to health care. That being said, our clinic in Cazale treats many patients with diabetes and we add to the ranks every week. Patients present with a range of symptoms- including, horrible foot wounds that will not heal, weight loss, general malaise, increased urination.

Two patients who were recently diagnosed with diabetes are shown below. One of these patients has had diabetes for a long time, but she did not come to clinic for unclear reasons. Her blood sugar was greater than 600 when she finally came to clinic. The other patient just didn’t feel well. He could not give additional details. “I am sick” was all he could come up with. His blood sugar was also greater than 600. Both patients are on insulin therapy and are feeling much better.

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