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Words from Gretchen~Sept 1993

An article from Sept 1993

About seven years ago, Davis Zachary saw a vision of Christ dying on the cross. Davis said at that moment he was delivered from his ungodly ways of taking drugs and living a life of sin. In return, the heavy equipment operator promised to go wherever he was needed. His destination was Haiti. Davis, his wife Gretchen and their 14 year old son Casey will move to Haiti in January to work with Global Outreach, a nondenominational Christian organization which has a seven year old missionary project in Haiti. The organization recently bought a cement block building near the local church, which will be converted to a feeding center and medical clinic.

Gretchen, a registered nurse, will help organize the clinic. At first they will focus on prenatal care before expanding to other services. Casey will attend a native highschool, one of only two in the country that offer the Scholastic Aptitude test. Lessons will be taught in English French, and the native tongue, which is a mixture of French and African language. Foreign languages will be only one of Casey biggest culture shocks of moving from Pendleton, IN to Haiti.

Missionary work will be a family affair eventually the couple’s daughters 19 year old Lori and 18 year old Licia, hope to join the family after they graduate from Indiana Wesleyan University. They hope to use their skills they learn in college at the mission site in Haiti.

The Zachary’s will hold a sale Sept 18 at their home. The family will sell its house, 26 acres, and all their belongings.

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