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New admits

Chrislairson was brought to the clinic by a family member. He does not live with either parent but lives with his grandma. His mom stopped breastfeeding him when he was 9 month old as she was in the hospital and sick. He has 4 living siblings and non that have died. He lives in a 3 room home with 8 people. The home is made of cinder block, cement and is covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from an irrigation ditch that is about 5 minutes from their home. They purchase drinking and cooking water. He was admitted with beginning kwashiorkor, fever, cold/cough. He is 22 month old and weighed 14 pounds when admitted. He is -3SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death. The family traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. There average monthly income is $41US.

Bethsaida was brought to the clinic by her family. She was referred to us from another clinic. She is an only child. The family lives in a 2 room home made of rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, not even an outhouse. The family are farmers and grow corn and beans. They farm their large fields by hand and harvest the crops by hand. Once the crops are harvested they are taken to open air markets to be sold. A good crops can provide food for the family for 3 to 4 months. The day she was admitted she had nothing to eat and they day before she had some soup. She had edema, due to kwashiorkor , fever, cough and cold and was refusing to eat much. She is 3 years old and weighted 19 1/2 pounds when admitted. She is -3SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death. Her grandma and mother have been switching back and forth and staying with her during her time of care. They traveled 6 hours by foot, and machine to arrive at the clinic. Their average monthly income is $25US.

Guerby was abandoned in the clinic yard. There was a note left by his family with him. We have searched for them with the limited info but have been unsuccessful in finding them.

Marvensky was admitted at 4 months old. He was brought to the clinic by his mother and aunt. His mom has been sick and stopped breastfeeding him this past month. They have been able to purchase enough infant formula to give him two 8 ounce bottles a day. During the other times when he is hungry they feed him porage. When admitted he had diarrhea, vomiting and beginning kwashiorkor. He has 1 sister and 5 brothers. The family of 9 lives in a 3 room home made of brick and clay, and covered with a tin roof. The family are farmers and grow fields of bananas. These bananas are harvested weekly to be able to sell and provide food for the family. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is about a 30 minute walk from their home. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. Marvensky was admitted with a weight of 7 pounds and he is -4SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death. The families average monthly income is $45US.

Nephtalie was referred to us from another clinic that is about a 6 hour trip from our clinic. Nephtalie’s mom stopped breastfeeding her when she was 3 months old . The mom said she was sick herself and was in the hospital for several weeks. Nephtalie has slowly declined since that time. She began having signs of kwashiorkor (edema) about 2 months before she was admitted for inpatient care. She also had cough, fever diarrhea and vomiting for a month before coming to the clinic. The family of 3 lives in a 1 room home that has thatch walls and is covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet not even a outhouse. They get their water from a source that is about a 1 hour walk from their home. Nephtalie is 9 months old and weighed 15 pounds when she was admitted. She lost 2 pounds of “water weight” from the edema due to kwashiorkor. She is -3SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death. The family traveled 2 hours by foot and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. Their average monthly income is $53US.

Diuebon’s mom died of fever when he was a few months old. He lives with a neighbor that lives near the father. His father brought him to the clinic in search of help. The family of 3 lives in a 2 room home made of cinder block, cement and is covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water in their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a hand pump that is about a 15 minute walk from their home. He was admitted with diarrhea, fever and cough that had been going on for 2 weeks. He also had kwashiorkor. He is 10 months old and weighed 10 pounds when admitted he is -4SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards. (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death. The family traveled 2.5 hours by foot and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. Their average monthly income is $64US.

Wislie was brought to the clinic by her mother. The family are farmers and grow beans and corn in their gardens. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is about a 5 minute walk from their home. She has 3 sisters and 2 brothers that live at home. They live in a 2 room home made of rocks, and cement and is covered with a tin roof. Their average monthly income is $20 us. They live about a 1 hour walk from the clinic. Wislie was admitted with diarrhea, fever, cough and kwashiorkor. She is 20 months old and weighed 13 pounds when admitted. She is -3SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards. (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death.

Velson is a 3 month old male who presented with multiple skin ulcerations. History is provided by the patient’s mother who is staying with him for inpatient care. It is unclear if the patient has ever had normal skin. He has a large ulceration surface of his right hand. His mother says he had a blister on the hand 10 days ago, then it opened up. His mom says he had healthy skin when he was born, but starting having issues all over his body about 1 month ago. He has a mass on his left lower jaw and several other areas over his body. He has a cough only at night. The patient lives with his mother and father and his 3 siblings. One of his siblings has mild skin problems. The patient is breast fed only. The family are farmers and grow corn, beans and grains in their gardens. All the planting is done by hand. Once the crop is harvest (again by hand) it is taken to the local open air market when the produce is sold. The income from the harvest can provide for the family for several months. The family lives in a 4 room home made of woven sticks, dirt and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They traveled 4 hours by animal to arrive at the clinic. Velson weighed 8 pounds when admitted.

Widle is a 24 month old male who presents with edema. History is presented by the patient’s mother who has always been his primary caregiver. The patient has had edema for 1 month. He had edema 1 time previously in April of this year- it resolved after a short time but then returned last month. He has had the edema for approximately 1 month. His mother says he has diarrhea. He has had a poor appetite for about a month. He has been vomiting for 5 days.He has had a fever for 4 days. He has had a cough for 6 days. The patient lives with both of his parents, his older brother and his mom’s friend. He has an older sibling who died when he was 3 years old- he had edema. The patient was breastfed until April of this year. His diet consists of rice, sos pwa, soup, bananas, coffee, bread, juice. He doesn’t like meat or eggs. He is fed 3 times a day. However, he does not eat much. He is 2.5 years old and at his lowest weighted 16 pounds. He is -4SD below the mean on the WHO Child Growth Standards. (In a well-nourished population there are virtually no children below -3 SD (<1%). Children with a weight-for-height below -3SD based on the WHO standards have a high risk on death. The family traveled 3 hours by foot and animal to arrive at the clinic. Their average monthly income is $35US.

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