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Staff Spotlight~Chantale

I have been working at the clinic since 2006. My work before was to clean the clinic, but I am getting older so now I count fill and fill up bags with medications for the patients in the clinic. I never met my father he died before I was born and my mother is still alive. I have 2 sister and 1 brothers. I have 4 children. They are grown and do not live with me. I live in a home with my husband and 3 of our nieces and nephew. I like the work at RHFH and I like the work I do. I wish only that we had more bottles to be able to keep up with the pace of work.

This job that I have has helped me for many years. I was able to build my home which I am very happy about. I have food everyday to eat. I am always thankful that I have work because then I have money to help others in need. I like living in Cazale because it is mostly peaceful and there is not a lot of noise. I wish that Cazale would have a better road and that they would fix the bridge that has been broken for many years. I like what RHFH does because it helps the young and the old in the area. I would like to ask you to pray for me for my family, my kids and my grandkids, for my country and for RHFH that God would continue to bless them and those that help them.

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