Words from Gretchen~

Hallelujah! Praise God! We thank you for your support to us here in Haiti. I know that you have and are continuing to pray for us and for that I so appreciate it. We can feel the peace and joy of the Lord coming from your prayers. To us prayer is still the most important thing that we need.

Anybody who knows us knows we would rather be on the other end of the letter, because it is truly more blessed to give than to receive. God is teaching us to be receivers for His Glory. God needs faithful vessels to distribute and direct His resources for His purpose as we are faithful with a little, He will give us more to do for Him. Boy that is a word that just keeps jumping up in my spirit, FAITHFULNESS. God is searching the world over for faithful men and woman. Are we faithful? We should ask ourselves that everyday. We should live everyday like the Lord Jesus is coming back tomorrow. If we knew for a fact that Jesus was coming back tomorrow would we be doing what we are doing now? Stop and think about that. I know it is a hard word and it may hurt a little, but it is good for us. We need to be changed. The church is not right. We are all asleep, I believe the spirit of God is shouting from the rooftop to the Church of Jesus Christ.


Just as the prophets Zechariah and Haggai prophesied to the Israelites after they returned from exile in Babylon and reached a point of laziness and lackadaisicalness in rebuilding the temple of God in the natural. I believe the Spirit of God is speaking to men and women who have ears to wake up and build His kingdom. In these last days we must be about our father’s business. We need to do all we can for God. Believe me I’m preaching just as much to myself. Whether in Haiti or in America we become comfortable and leave the kingdom work up to others. We must push and stretch ourselves as much as possible to get the Good News out to a lost and dying. Help us to have ears to hear and faith to obey. Literally millions of souls are depending on our faithfulness to the Great Commission. I do not care whether we are a teacher, a janitor an usher, a singer or musician, youth leader or elder, missionary or anyone saved by grace, we are all children of the most high God. Let us do everything we can with as much intensity as we can-and it all for the GLORY OF GOD! Let us do it together and enter into the peace and joy of our Lord. Amen! Hallelujah!


  1. Becki says

    Thank you for sharing this! I so wish I could have met y’all’s precious Mama. Continued prayer for each of you serving and all of Haiti. We love you!

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