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Villagers View~Lamy

From a member of the village

Our village is named Lamy. This is how we got the name. Many years ago a man name Lamy came to live in our area. No one knows or remembers where he came from. When he came to the area he love to plant different things in his garden. He was very prosperous and make good money. This helped others in the area to also to learn to plant crops that grew well. So that is why we named of village after him.

There is no clinics or hospitals in our area. Most people go to herbal people in our area and then if they do not get better find a clinic or hospital to go to. Most of the woman deliver at their homes. If they cannot deliver then they try to go to a hospital. When someone dies they need to be buried within 24 hours or they will have to be put in a morgue. The majority of the homes are made of rocks, and clay and are covered with a tin roof. There are 2 schools in the area. Both schools only go to the 6th grade. The children in the area like to play soccer and ride bikes.

There are 4 churches in our area and 3 voodoo temples. The people in the area work well together. We all went together with our tools and were able to build a road for vehicles to travel on. What makes us happy? Rain to make the crops grow, special parties that the churches do, jazz music. We mostly plant beans and corn. We love to eat rice and breadfruit. We wish the area had a school that went to the final year, electricity, and portable water.

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