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Staff Spotlight~Rosette

My name is Rosette. I have been working at RHFH since 2004. I am the cook for the children in the Rescue Center. When I get to work I sweep and clean the yard and room where I work. I then get out all the pots and wash them. I put the pots on the fire and begin to fix the food for the day. I have to clean lots of vegetables and meat for the day. I am getting older so the work is becoming more for me. I wish some days that I had a helper. I live in my home with family. I have 3 children that are grown and live on their own. I have a niece and another child that lives with me.

The work here has helped me a lot in my life. I appreciate my job. I am also happy that I am able to help other people. Besides the work they do for God, giving people jobs is a good thing. I enjoy living in Cazale. I wish we had a better road, electric and more street lights. I attend the local Catholic Church. I would ask that you pray for those that have problems that God would bless them and pray for Haiti.

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