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Villagers View~Grand Fond #2

From a member of the village~

We work the earth and look after animals in our area. We have animals like goats, chickens, pigs and cows that we sell for meat. We also have horses, donkeys, and mules that help us in our work. They carry heavy loads back and forth to open area markets and to our homes. In our gardens we grow corn, grains, roots and sweet potatoes.

Our area has one small school that goes to the 4th grade. The children like to jump rope, play marbles and tag. There are no churches or voodoo temples in our area. Our area is very close to Cazale and is a new area that people are living in. We would love to have electricity and a road to our area. Homes are make of cinder blocks, rock and sticks. They use cement or clay to hold them together. We are close the clinic so this is where we go when we are sick. What makes those in our area happy? There are many that go to the “disco” place where they dance and play music. But I am a christian so I do not go. What makes me happy is when I see healthy children. To know they are not suffering that brings me joy in my heart.

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