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Gang violence is causing significant unrest in Haiti and people are fleeing from their homes. Often without any notice, they just run for their lives. I have seen numerous patients in clinic over the last several months in this situation. Multiple patients who ran for their lives and did not bring their antihypertensive medication. They eventually make it to Cazale to come to clinic. I’ve seen blood pressures as high as 250/150. Multiple diabetics have come as well, they’ve had to run from their home, or the clinic they go to has had to close due to violence in the area or lack of electricity. They are out of medication for one reason or another. Blood glucose levels are out control, some greater than 600 mg/dl. There are patients with chronic wounds who cannot access wound care near their homes due to the violence. Fortunately, we have not had to close our clinic and we have been able to purchase medicine and supplies to keep functioning. But it’s not easy. Gang activity is always moving. A road may be “safe” to travel on one day but not the next.

Please pray the Haitian people that they will continue to keep their eyes fixed on God in this seemingly hopeless situation. Pray that God will provide for Haitians who have been displaced from their homes. Pray for peace. Pray for safety for our runners who buy medicine and supplies for the clinic and food for the malnutrition. God is able.

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