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Thankful Sigh of Relief

L.J. is a 3 year old girl who came to clinic last week. She had edema of her legs, her abdomen was swollen, likely with fluid, she had a fever and abdominal pain. She did not feel well and she was not happy. The edema was concerning. So she had some labs done, which revealed that she had severe anemia and elevated liver enzymes and total bilirubin. Her kidney function was normal. Her parents were not interested in taking her to a hospital, and I can’t say that I blame them given the current state of the country. Malaria can cause fever, anemia and liver inflammation. L.J. was treated for malaria and given iron supplements. She came back for follow up today and is so much better. Her fever has resolved. Her liver enzymes are nearly back to normal and she is much happier, despite her expression in the photo. Thank you Jesus!

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