Real Hope Academy~meet our students

Real Hope Academy

Isaiah Ray Zachary

Fast Facts:

Age- 13
Grade- 7th
Birthplace- Seattle , Washington

Modest Modifers:


Fun Favorites:
Haitian food- rice with red sauce
Book of the Bible – Proverbs
Subject- Reading
Book – Nick of Time by Ted Bell

Activity- playing with my dogs
Verse – Acts 16:31 “ Believe in Jesus and you will be saved.”

       Greetings, I’m crazy for Jersey Mike’s subs. I also love bacon, pizza, french fries, pumpkin pie and moose tracks ice cream. I am one of 17 grandchildren, which I think is bigger than average. I enjoy cliff jumping at the lake , swimming, baseball, school, reading and playing with my dogs.  
      I am homeschooled with three other students. I love reading , my current book , Nick of Time has lots of mystery and adventure. My favorite Bible book , Proverbs, has many answers in it. In 7th grade I have realized that God has infinite love and all you have to do is believe in Him and His Son to receive it.
     I think the country side of Cazale , Haiti is very peaceful. It is a great place to stop and think about all the things God has done , and all the work He needs you to do.


  1. Susan McAnelly says

    You are very wise Isaiah and I totally agree the Cazale is a wonderful to meditate and think about all God has done for us.

  2. Joan Brizendine says

    It’s wonderful to hear from you Isaiah ! Hard to believe you are that old. I love Proverbs too and you are right. There are a lot of answers there.

  3. Bethany Walton says

    Jersey Mike’s gift cards for all future gifts. Check. 😜

  4. Grandpa says

    what lake are you referring to Zay with the cliff jumping comment?

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