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Staff Spotlight~Andrelie

I am 57 years old and have been working at RHFH since Feb 2009. I was born in area called Monnoville, but moved to Cazale when I was young. My parents had 6 children. One died when it was a child. I lived with another family and was raised by them. They treated me well and made sure I had food each day to eat. I have 10 children. They are ages 30 to 12 years old. Three of my children have died. Two died of kwashiorkor and one died with diarrhea. I live in a 2 room home that I own. It is made of cinder block and covered with a tin roof. There is a porch on the front of the house.

I enjoy working at RHFH. There are many kids that come that are very sick. Sometimes we put our hand over our mouth and say “Oh” in shock of how bad they are. This makes us sad. But we have hope that they will recovery. We leave their lives in God’s hands. We want them to get well, but some do not recover. But we find strength in knowing they are with God. When they do recover we are happy. We say look what God has done. He took their casket and broke it up because now they do not need it. It is a happy day when they are able to return home with their families. I myself had 2 children that died of malnutrition, it was many years ago and we did not know what to do. Once a child had kwashiorkor everyone knew they would die because no one told us how to care for them. I can say today I am happy that I work at a place that is helping children. I wish they would have been here many years ago.

I enjoy living in Cazale. We have a river that goes right through the village. This is a blessing and we say we have life in Cazale because of the river. We are able to have water all the time to wash, clean take bath and drink. I would say that I would be happy if Cazale would have a better road. I attend the Nazreen church here in Cazale. I go up to a prayer house that is on top of a mountain several times a week to pray and one day I clean the church. It is an important place to me. I would ask that everyone that would like to pray for me pray for my kids that still live with me that God would watch over them and help them to advance in their lives. I also ask that you pray that God continues to give me strength to work.

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