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Staff Spotlight-Spenson

I am a Chaplin at the RHFH. I have been working here since 2020. I pray, talk and encourage those that come to the clinic. I spent time with the children in the Rescue Center and with other patients like at the cholera Center. I lead devotions each day before clinic starts with the staff and do devotions with each group of patients that pass through the clinic. I work with the medical staff to identify those patients that need pray or someone to talk to. I enjoy talking and praying with those that come to the clinic. I also have the opportunity to give advice to those in need or those going through a difficult time. I am married and have 1 biological son and 2 foster children. We live in the same yard as my wives family and are close with them.

Doing devotions with clinic patients

The work here at RHFH has helped me to grow spiritually, it has helped me to develop patience with people and has helped me to be able to support my family economically. The work has helped me to meet many people that are in need spiritually and economically. I enjoy living in the Cazale area because this is where my family is and where I work. I also like the area because there is a river and it is a peaceful area. I think Cazale would benefit from having a electricity and a good road. I see that RHFH helps those in our community to know who God is. They help those in medical need, they help children that would not be able to attend school to be able to go, they help parents and children of malnourished children and they help with small project in the area.

praying for children in the Rescue Center

I wanted to tell you a story that I will never forget. There was a patient that was a male that was maybe 55 years old. He could not breath well and was swollen all over his body. He went and spent all his money on voudou to try and improve his health, and found no solution. I had the opportunity to talk to him about God. We talked about the lady that was healed in the Bible that had been bleeding for many years. We talked about others that God had healed. I said I could not do anything but God could heal him. I asked if I could pray for him and his illness. He said yes but first he wanted to accept Jesus into his heart. I prayed with him and he become a christian. He came to the clinic each month and after a few months he was walking and not swollen. I was so happy to see him. He said this to me, there is nothing God cannot do, and I will never forgot that day. I was able to see the change in his body and his heart.

praying for patients in the clinic

I would ask you to pray for me that I remain a good christian while I am here in earth. I want to live with love in my heart and remain faithful to my family. I want you to continue to pray for Haiti because pray is very important for us right now. If I could pick something that I need more of to help my work it would be more material and books to help me learn and teach others about God.

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