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New Admits to the Rescue Center


He is 15 months old and weighs 14 pounds.  He lives with his parents and 4 siblings.  There have been 4 other siblings that have died, 2 shortly after they were born and 2 with diarrhea. The family lives in a 4 room home that is built with rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof.  They are farmers and grow beans, corn, and millet in their gardens.  If they have a good harvest, they can take the produce and sell them in open air market, this income can last the family for several months. They do not have running water in their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  They get their water from a piped water system that is about a 15 minute walk from their home. Cleridinor has been coming to the clinic since he was a newborn. He began to lose weight around the age of 8 months. Each month he continues to lose weight even with being on the outpatient medika mamba program.  About 1 week before he was admitted for inpatient care, he began to have edema from kwashiorkor.  His family traveled a little over 1 hour by foot to arrive at the clinic. He was started on the F-75 Therapeutic milk and then moved to the medika mamba for treatment.


He is 14 months old and weighs 17 pounds.  He was brought to the clinic by a neighbor.  The parents fish every day in the ocean and did not feel like they had time to take him to the clinic, so they asked the neighbor if she could bring him.   He lives in a home with his parents and an older sister. The neighbor does not know a lot about the child but says he is not walking yet. He was not breastfed for very long and has struggled with eating well.  He began to develop edema, due to kwashiorkor about 1 week ago.   The parents were contacted and agreed to inpatient care and came the next day.  His family traveled 1.5 hours by taxi and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic.  He was started on the F-75 Therapeutic milk and then moved to the medika mamba for treatment.


She is 24 months old and weighs 17 pounds.  She lives with her mom, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins. She has one other sibling that lives with her grandma. The family lives in a 3 room home that is built with rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof.  They are farmers and grow beans, corn, and millet in their gardens.  If they have a good harvest, they can take the produce and sell it in open air market; this income can last the family for several months. They do not have running water in their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse.  They get their water from a source that is about a 1 hour walk from their home. Roselanda has been ill for several months and this is the 5th episode of kwashiorkor, she also has fever and diarrhea.    Her family traveled a little over 6 hours by foot, taxi and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. She was started on the F-75 Therapeutic milk and then moved to the medika mamba for treatment.


She is 2 months old and weighs just under 6 pounds. She was referred to us from another missionary. Her mama died 15 days after she was born. Her papa died when the mom was 3 months pregnant. Since that time she has been living with her grandma.  Since her mama died her grandma has only been able to give her flour mixed with water and a bit of sugar. About 6 days before she was admitted her grandma noticed her feet were swollen and began searching for help.  She went to a missionary that gives out infant formula to babies in need.  Once they saw she had kwashiorkor they asked if we could help. We see kwashiorkor in babies and many die.  We are glad she brought her early.  She will stay until she reached her goal weight.


She is 6 months old and weighed 9 pounds when admitted.  She lived with her mom, 2 aunts and 1 uncle. Her dad was shot and killed by gangs. Due to a great deal of stress for the  mom she was unable to breastfeed her and gave her flour with sugar and water.  This is her only child.  Fednaica had several areas where her skin split open and her eyes were swollen shut.  This was all due to kwashiorkor due to malnutrition.  She died a few weeks later from complications.  


He is 4 1/2 years old and weighs 24 pounds.  He followed in the clinic for several years and maintained a normal weight. In December of last year, he was visiting family in a village far away.  He thought he was drinking juice his grandma made but drank a concentrated mix of cleaning fluid. He was taken to a local hospital and was hospitalized for 2 months. During that time, he was given IV fluids and was not permitted to eat but was given juice from time to time.  It is normal here in Haiti that they parents are not given and explanation of the child’s illness or what the plan of treatment will be.  All she was told was that his esophagus was damaged. Since being discharged Danlove has refused to eat and often vomits if forced to eat.  He often drools as well.  He lives in a home with his mom, grandparents and 2 siblings. His mom brought him to the clinic in search of help for him.  He was admitted for inpatient care, and we began to give him liquid nutrition and reintroducing food very slowly.  He is slowly making progress.

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