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What happens when someone dies in our village

I wanted to talk to you today about what happens when someone dies in our village. First the family must decide if the body will go to a morgue. If they decide to go the morgue someone calls them to come get the body. After the body is taken someone will go later that day to make decisions with the morgue. This is for the price for the services, how long the body will stay there and what day burial will be. If the body does not go to the morgue it must be buried in 24 hours. This is not for religious purposes but because we live in a very hot country.

A typical truck from morgue that comes to pick up a body

The funeral services are held in a local church. Everyone has a wake when someone dies. This means the night before the person is buried everyone gathers together. The family is expected to feed everyone that comes there are no invitations and most of the village will attend. This means they must figure out quickly how to purchase enough supplies and get an area ready to receive everyone. Mostly this is done at the person’s home. Everyone comes together to help and do what they can. There will be tarps hung up in the yards for shade. There will be tables set up for people to play games. There will be music playing throughout the night. There will be a specific place where the food is made and distributed. People come and go throughout the night. Many times there is a lot of drinking. The next day most bodies are buried in the morning. If the body went to the morgue they will transport the body to the church and prepare the body for the family and friends to see.

If the body did not go to morgue then it stays in the house. There is someone that stays with the body until they are buried. This person is known throughout the village and does this as a job. They will stay with the body and bathe the body throughout the night. This is to keep the smell down and they also move the limbs of the body to keep them from getting to stiff. They also will dress the body and put them in the casket before burial. Men will then carry the casket to the church where the body will be displayed for a short time.

Once the family and friends have seen the body the casket is closed and the service begins. There will be special songs and scripture read. The pastor will preach a message to everyone. Then they give time for friends and family to speak. Emotions are high during this time. Mang people scream and cry at the loss of the person. Once the service is over the body is carried to the local cemetery. Most people walk with those that carry the casket to the cemetery. Before they arrived men have dug a hole for the casket, or there is a place prepared in a tomb for the casket. Most of the close family do not go to the burial. But the rest of the people go and watch the body being buried.

After this time people return to their homes as everyone is tired. They slept and then come together again later that day to pray and help the family clean up the area.

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