Throwback Thursday-our first medical clinic in Titanyen

When our parents moved to Haiti in 1994, my mom left her nursing job, on a Peds floor. Once she got settled in, she wanted to have a small place to help those with basic medical needs. She worked from her home treating burns then she opened a “clinic” in Titanyen Haiti in 1994. She began with seeing pregnant woman, then started seeing newborn babies and children. She started out with 2 staff, 2 chairs and a table.

She started out with 1 table and 2 chairs
Gretchen with a child at the clinic

After Gretchen had been there for several months, she began meeting with those that were delivering babies in the area. She was able to begin to give them supplies and then came up with a birthing kit that she gave out to those that came to the clinic. Those that delivered the babies were then able to ask for those kids when they delivered at their homes. At that time, we found they were using pieces of glass, tin metal, and other unclean sharp objects to cut the umbilical cords. This simple kit and taking time to meet with the local birth attendants, to know their needs, saved many lives.

Gretchen did not have running water or electricity at the clinic. She carried 5 gallon buckets full of water from her home to use. A team that came down put in a few sheets of clear plastic tin to let some light in. She was happy and content in helping those in need. She gave out powdered milk and peanut butter, when she had it, to the children that were malnourished. But most of all she had Jesus, and she had a love to share with everyone. She loved everyone deeply and made them feel cherished, important, and always had a smile to share. She is greatly missed by many and to this day we still hear people that tell us how “Madame Zach” (that is what they called her) affected their lives in a positive way. To God be all the Glory!


  1. Chris says

    That brings back some memories.

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