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Cazale Photos – water sources

Cazale and the surrounding areas are blessed to have several water sources or water springs. Many of these are small but can provide water for the people in the area. Most people walk to these sources and dip the water out into containers to carry home.

Some of the sources are clean and you can drink the water and others are cloudy and they will use this water for animals or watering gardens.

There is a river that flows right through the village of Cazale. This is a great resource for the area. Each day you will see people washing their laundry and taking baths.

There is also a piped water system the runs through the village. This provides water in or near people’s homes. RHFH uses this piped water system for all our water needs. The piped water is run through a water filter system from Water Mission that allows us to have clean water for those we serve in the Clinic and Rescue Center. We also give this water out free to the community. We are thankful that God has provided a good source of water for our area.

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