A small room makes improvements in the Rescue Center

A few month ago we added a small room onto the outside section in the Rescue Center where the kids eat. We now have a place where we can store the dishes, separate the food, and wash the dishes. We also hired new staff to take care of this and to help with the hygiene in the food area. They wash all the dishes, dish out and separate the food, wash the tables and floor and make sure the children have enough to drink during the day.

This also allows the nannies to be able have time to sit and feed the younger children. It has been working out well for the kids and the staff.

After everyone is done eating they all have time to drink a glass of cool water that is refreshing on these hot days in Haiti.


  1. Bekki says

    I love this! I remember how good cold ‘dol’ tastes there; and is the ris et sos pwa????

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