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Villagers View~Fond Rigol

The area of Fond Rigol was just an area where there were many gardens and very few houses. Several years ago, right before the earthquake, the government came and built a road through our area. We have seen after they built the road that the area is beginning to develop more. Many houses have been built and more people come to the area. We are happy about this and are hopeful that our area will continue to develop.

Our little area does not have a clinic, but we are not far from Cazale. We just have to walk down the mountain to get there. There is the RHFH clinic and a government clinic. Most of the women that are pregnant have their babies at home with a birth attendant. If they have an issue they can go to the clinic to get checked and then go out to a bigger town to deliver the baby. When someone dies in our area they need to be buried within 24 hours. This is what most people do but some will take the body to a morgue so they have time to prepare for the burial.

Most of the homes are built with tin, rocks and clay. We have a few homes that are built with tarp for walls. We also have a few that are built with cinder blocks. There are no school in our area. All the children go to Cazale to attend school. There is only one school that offers the classes to be able to graduate. Most school only go to the 6th grade.

The children in the area enjoy shooting marbles, jumping rope, playing tag and soccer and playing outside with their friends. There are no churches in our area so we again go to Cazale for church. There is one voudou temple.

In our area we have lots of gardens. We grow millet, melons and roots in our fields. We also have seasons where we grow beans. Our biggest problem in the area is lack of water. We have to walk and find water, just so we have something to drink.

We are happy that our little area is beginning to have more people that live here. We are thankful for the road that goes right through the village. This makes it easier for building material to arrive and for us to get supplies to our homes. It also allows the motorcycle drivers to bring our produce and items we purchase closer to our homes. Before we would have to carry everything up the mountains to get items to our houses.

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