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Monitoring the Health of Children in Our Care

We take the health of our inpatient children very seriously, which is why we weigh those on the mamba program daily. Additionally, every week we measure the weight of all children in the Rescue Center to assess their level of malnutrition. To ensure that we are consistently tracking progress, we take height measurements and measure mid-upper arm circumference once a month.

A quick and easy way to check for malnutrition in children aged six months to five years is to measure their mid-upper arm circumference. A colored tape is used to measure the left upper arm, and if the child’s arm circumference falls within the red or yellow indicator on the tape, they should be enrolled in a program to treat their malnutrition.

Measuring children’s height is an essential aspect of monitoring their growth and development. By doing so, we can determine their Z score or SD rating, which is a statistical measure of how far a child’s height is from the average height for their age and gender.

Regularly monitoring a child’s height and growth is crucial in identifying any potential growth problems or developmental delays. By tracking their growth over time, we can ensure that children are reaching their full potential and receiving any necessary interventions or treatments.

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