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The History of a Place of Worship in Cazale: A Dream Turned into Reality

Back in 1951, a man named Amboise had a dream that something dreadful was going to happen in the Cazale area. To prepare for this, he constructed a small place of worship atop a mountain where the locals could come and pray. This area overlooked the village of Cazale and was maintained throughout the years. In 2004, a committee of individuals was formed, representing various churches in Cazale, to improve the area. However, the 2010 earthquake caused significant damage to the structure. As a result, the committee decided to construct a bigger, stronger place of worship that would last for years to come.

Since that time they have been working a little at a time to rebuild this place. It is always busy with people there praying, fasting and praising the Lord. Churches take turns cleaning and caring for the structure.

Would you join us in prayer with the town that funds would continue to be provided for this special location in our village. Many times people will spent all day there praying and talking with God. It is a refuge when people are going through difficult times and a real blessing to the community.

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