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RHA kids

Praying together daily is a privilege and priority for RHA. Individual time connecting with our Great God is incredibly important too. Our students would like to share their perspectives on personal prayer.

Grace – My favorite place to connect with God is on my back porch in the early morning. During this time I read my Bible and pray. My favorite prayer strategy is opening with praise. This helps me focus on God and His greatness, not only on my concerns and needs. Starting a prayer with praise to God in my experience has helped me to feel closer to God and helped me to set my mind firmly on him. Next, I bring my needs for my family, my friends and people I just want to pray for to Him. Then I bring up my own needs,  worries and confessions. Finally, I give thanks to God for all He has given me which in my opinion is a great way to end prayer because it leaves you feeling grateful and overall just in a better mood.

Isaiah – My favorite place to read my Bible and pray is the bench on my front porch, preferably before the sun rises because everything is calm and the sky looks beautiful. To the left I can see the high mountains that hide the sun and to the right I see the ocean and some pastures. My favorite verse is Philippians 4: 6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Jesus Christ.” This is a promise – a promise that has been fulfilled for me .  When I pray, I ask that in every situation good or bad, I will thank Him , that I will be thankful. By the time I finish praying, I realize that the sun is peeking above the mountain tops and the pages of my Bible are shining a radiant golden light. That is an example of how everything God made shines even when we don’t see it.

Gretchen – I love to spend time with God early in the morning on the back porch in my family‘s swinging chair. I like to feel the coolness of the air. I love to spend time praying to God in my bed at night too. I’ve learned to start my prayers by thanking God for something that He did for me or others. I like to pray for people who need Christ. I have a special picture in my mind when I pray from a message our Pastor gave us. We are all on a mountain and we are climbing up to Heaven with Jesus right by our side then mean old Satan sends sawdust on the mountain to stop us, but we can put on the full armor of God and go right through the sawdust.

Please share your favorite ways or places to connect with God.

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